Monday, November 16, 2009

Can't Wait Any Longer...

OMGosh!! I know time flies, but can it go faster? I can't wait for term break....can't hold on any longer!!! Assignments, report, projects, and that never ending PPF lecture (forever lost).....I am drowning soon....

Let's see....this month is a really busy month....even shit also no time...whole day research, cost, which we can never get a comfirm eye balls almost came out reading all the materials...and the worst is we have two assignments due on the same great is that? The weather is no where near helping, the wind is as strong as usual and sometimes, i feel like i am almost taking off to Scotland on a free ride....Back to assignments, I am suppose to have 4 assignments in this semester for this particular subject but so far, i only had one....trying not to think how to cramp all 3 in 3 weeks....with additional of that HAZARD report for design project....I am gonna be dead soon....Can anyone remind me why am i taking CHEMICAL ENGINEERING?!!!

Apart from drowning in assignments, life in UK is getting better...although can't really see my purpose being here (besides graduating), i am just walking by faith...I don't know where God is going to lead me to, but i am sure there will be a destination because He is the greatest planner....

- Life is an ever changing environment, and there's no way of turning back but to change yourself to suit the environment because only changes are constant in life -